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Almanac launch drink, beer in the city and Halloween drink

Almanac launch drink

In honour of the 8th Lustrum of Faculty Association SHARE the Marketing & Almanac Committee finally released their almanac. On the 19th of October the Almanac Launch Drink took place at Café de Stoep. During this evening members and old members were welcome to celebrate the almanac and to look back at all the memories of the past five years. It was a great night to revive all the moments and to create new ones. The committees brought pens so everyone could sign each other alamanacs. It was great way to close the 8th Lustrum year. 

Beer in the city

On the 20th of October we came back to Café de Stoep for the first event of the new Master Committee. During the first activity (pre-)master students got the opportunity to meet fellow (pre-)master students. For the evening the Master Committee divided the attendees into groups to play a Pub Quiz. The subjects of the Pub Quiz were fun and diverse. Our knowledge about SHARE, Rotterdam and afko’s (an abbreviation for ‘afkorting’, the Dutch word for abbreviation) were put to test. It was an evening full of fun rivalry. The winning team won two pitcher coupons for Café in the Smitse. This was a great first activity and we cannot wait for the next activity. 

Halloween drink

On the 27th of October the first drink of this year took place, the Halloween drink. In the Nieuw Rotterdams Café, everyone shared a spooky night with some memorabele costumes. With a group with some covered in blood, some dressed like witches and others with mirrorballs on their head, SHARE had a fun night. In short it was another success.